What is important to know about the partition of inheritance
Where the deceased has left only one heir, the entire inheritance goes in his favor. But where there are several heirs, among them creates community property. Each of them has an undivided ownership of each item. Heirs may at any time terminate the community through the division of the estate.
Sharing the inheritance aims to liquidate the proprietary status of community and create in its place individual property rights of heirs on certain real objects. It terminates the community and becomes the ideal parts of the heirs in a separate real property for each of them. Through it the estate shall be distributed among the heirs according neasledstvenite rights that they have in the community.
Partition of the estate can be claimed by any heir, although there are contrary disposition of the deceased or contrary agreement between the heirs.
Division is inadmissible only if the law provides otherwise or if this is incompatible with the nature and purpose of the property. For example, common areas in which individual stories or parts of stories belong to different owners, concierge or loft and others. can not be separated. / Article 38, paragraph 3 AA /
The right to ask for a partition is not limited in duration.