Lawyer International law

Lawyer International law

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Although they are not subjects of international law, a special role in international relations, the diplomatic representatives of the countries - ambassadors, consuls nuncio. They enjoy a special immunity and inviolability, and express a certain diplomatic row will of the countries they represent.
Unlike other fields of law, international law does not depend on a domestic constitutional and mutual recognized international legal personality. There are traditional and accelerated procedures for coordination wills of sovereign states by conducting international negotiations and conferences, providing better services and mediation, arbitration and international justice. In the event of international disputes and in case you suffer damage (of military action from reneging on international agreements, etc.), there are procedures for the repair of the injured parties.
Private international law is a particular share of international law, which governs the relationships between individuals (citizens and their organizations), when there is an international element. The right of every sovereign state regulates these relations in a certain way, but when respect is related to the right of two or more countries occurs conflict between the laws of different countries. So-called "formulas of connection" guide on what legal order should be made for the specific relationship or a separate component of it. For example, the civil status of an individual is determined by the 'Lex personalis' (law of personality), which in the mainland system is the law of origin 'jus sanguinis', and in the Anglo-Saxon system - the law of domicile 'lex domicilii'. The status of organizations is determined by the 'Lex societatis' (law of the citizenship). The status of the transaction is determined by the 'Lex loci actus' (law of the place). The status of the property is determined by the 'Lex situs' / 'Lex rei sitae' (law of the place). Procedural rules, which moves the court seised is determined by the 'Lex fori' (law court). There are also a number of special formulas of attachment: 'Lex monetae' (law of currency) in international payments; 'Lex banderae' (law of the flag) in shipping, aviation, diplomatic immunity; 'Lex venditoris' (law of the seller) in international trade; 'Lex loci contractus' (law of the place of the contract) in contractual relations; 'Lex loci celebrationis' (law of the place of marriage) in family relations; 'Lex loci registrationis' (law of the place of registration) in determining the status of legal persons; 'Lex expeditionis' (mestoizprashtane of goods), 'Lex destinationis' (destination of goods) and 'Lex transportantis' (Law of the carrier) in international transport; 'Lex loci laboris' (law of the place of work) and 'Lex delegationis' (law of the sending State) in labor relations; 'Lex loci delicticomiss' (law on provision of tort) and 'Lex loci damni' (Law on mestonastapvane injury) in non-contractual liability; 'Lex communis personalis' (common personal law) at the same nationality of the perpetrator and the victim of the tort; 'Lex domicilu debitoris' (law of the domicile of the debtor) and 'Lex concursus' (Law on mestozapochvane of bankruptcy proceedings) insolvency of traders; 'Lex loci conditionis' (law of the place of gain) in unjust enrichment; 'Lex causae' (law essentially) in commercial contracts; 'Lex loci obligationis' (law of the place of obligation) and 'Lex loci solutionis' (Law of performance of the obligation) in the commercial representation, checks, promissory notes and bills of exchange; 'Lex loci originis' (law of origin) in the creation of copyright works and issuance of commercial paper; 'Lex voluntatis' (law optional) when expressed will of the relations to be governed by a law - primarily in international arbitration. Having established the law that should settle a legal relationship with an international element, the enforcer should establish the content of the law, to which formula attached. The meaning of a specific statutory provision be interpreted in the context of the overall regulatory framework in national legislation. There are numerous bilateral and multilateral legal assistance agreements between the parties under which each provide, if necessary, other countries legal information. In parallel with this work a number of processes to synchronize national laws and uniform regulation of public relations. In this regard, recent Bulgarian private international law underwent comprehensive codification.
   advisory participation in international conferences
   representation before international courts and arbitration
   assistance Asylum and refugee status
   establishing the importance of international norms and treaties
   advising on international trade activities
   participation in negotiations and Contracting with nonresident
Lawyer International law
Lawyer International law
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