The history of the European Union begins with three international treaties. In the first of them (1951) established the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which brings heavy industry and military industries of France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. With the other two contracts (1957) are established respectively the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM). This marked the beginning of a single European market and a common nuclear energy. The contract for merger enforcement bodies of the three Communities (1965) began the formation of a unified European Community (1967). Joined by Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom (1973). A European Monetary System (1978) with fixed rates and common currency unit (ECU). He joined Greece (1981). Joined by Spain and Portugal (1986) and adopted a Single European Act, which accelerates the formation of a single market and strengthens the European Community. With the unification of Germany joined and its eastern part (1990). European Union treaties of Maastricht (1992) establish an economic and monetary union, a common policy in foreign affairs and security, and cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs. Joined by Austria, Finland and Sweden (1995) and signed the Schengen agreement abolishing internal border controls in the EU. Europe Treaty of Amsterdam (1997) extended the power of the EU and the deepening integration between Member States. The euro is launched (2002). Joined by Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and the Czech Republic (2004). Undergoes failure attempt to adopt a "European Constitution". Joined by Bulgaria and Romania (2007). Reform Treaty of Lisbon reinforces the international legal personality of the EU and establish its contemporary institutional device (2009).
The European Union is a consequence of the so-"European integration", under which the Member States transfer parts of their sovereignty in an unprecedented system of common supranational institutions. Parliamentary Assembly of the EU (representatives of the peoples of Europe) adopted jointly by the EU Council and a proposal from the European Commission laws and annual budget; elected European Ombudsman and dissolved if necessary the European Commission. European Council (Prime Ministers of the Member States or their presidents with executive powers) formulate EU policy and provides unity between Member States. The Council of Ministers (one responsible minister from each Member State) adopted jointly with the Parliamentary Assembly and following a proposal from the European Commission and the annual budget laws. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence (the position was established by the Lisbon Treaty) represent the EU at international level and chaired the Council of Ministers when discussing her responsible for his question. European Commission (approved by the European Parliament representatives of the Member States) to comply with the acquis communautaire and to implement decisions by carrying out legislative initiative. Court of Justice (one judge from each member state, assisted by Advocates) ensure uniform interpretation and application of European law by the European institutions and the Member States.
International treaties by which it reaches the emergence of the European Union acquire renown as the "primary right" of the EU. The deepening of European integration and increasing the powers of European institutions gradually generated, etc. "Secondary legislation" - acts of the institutions themselves binding on member states. EU law has primacy and direct effect in the Member States, and shifting national laws, if inconsistent. Regulations adopted by the European institutions, Member States undertake the force of law. Directives require Member States to achieve a certain result, but not the means to achieve it, that each country would choose according to their internal characteristics. Decisions relating to specific individuals and situations and act as individual administrative acts. Recommendations and opinions have no binding force and advisory opinions of the European institutions on a particular subject. The Court of Justice combines international, constitutional, administrative and civil jurisdiction, which it exercises all official EU languages. To him, there are three courts: the Court (for the interpretation of Community law and action against violations of this right by the European institutions and Member States); General Court (for proceedings against acts and actions of the European institutions); Civil Service Tribunal (the share of EU officials on the European institutions). Every human right recognized by European legislation can be protected before the European Court of Human Rights if his protection has been refused at national level.
consultation exercise of rights in the European Union
keeping claims for human rights violations before the ECHR
keeping claims for infringement of rights before the Court of Justice
assistance in the development of European projects
legal counseling to applicants for EU funding
legal advisory and administration of EU projects