• English
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    You need money and want to work - basic or additional. You can't, you don't have to leave your home or you just want to work on your territory. You need HOMEWORK!

    Homework is legally regulated in the Labor Code and is sufficiently protected!

    How to hire a homeworker?

    To protect the rights and obligations between an employee and an employer to perform homework, an employment contract is concluded in which the performance of labor obligations in connection with the production and / or provision of services in the home of the employee or in other premises of his choice outside the employer's place of work for remuneration with his and / or the employer's equipment, materials and other aids.

    Documentation is kept for each worker, which is submitted to the Executive Agency "General Labor Inspectorate" if necessary.

The Employment Contract for Homework also defines:

  •  the location of the workplace;
  •  remuneration;
  •  the procedure for assigning and reporting the work;
  •  the manner of supplying materials and handing over the finished products;
  •  consumables for the workplace and their payment, etc.

In order to fulfill their obligations for home-based work, every worker needs certain conditions, which must be provided by the employer. In this regard:

  • conditions for performance of the work, which is determined at the beginning of the employment relationship;
  • remuneration and equal treatment as provided to employees working in the enterprise;
  • healthy and safe working conditions;
  • qualification, retraining and training;
  • social and health insurance under conditions and in accordance with the procedure determined by law;
  • possibility for trade union association;
  • social and cultural services.

When performing Homework, the employee also has his obligations. He must:

1. to observe the rules for healthy and safe working conditions;

2. to provide access of the employer to the premises, where the workplace is, for inspection;

3. not to perform actions that create concern for the other owners and occupants, according to the Condominium Management Act, when the workplace is in a residential building or is close to one.

    A huge positive of home-based work is the lack of control by the employer to observe working hours. All workers who work from home determine for themselves when to work and when to rest, therefore overtime work cannot be established for them.



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