This is the time during which a person worked for an employment relationship. If he is not assigned to a contract of employment, but to another (such as a civil contract) to work and be paid for it, his seniority cannot be counted. It will be the same if he is a freelancer. Work experience accumulated abroad will be considered as such if the law of the respective country considers relations with the employer to be labor. Is work experience recognized if one worked within the European Union? Of course. It is recognized not only if the person has worked in a Member State of the European Union, but also if he has worked in a country party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), as well as in the Swiss Confederation. He is recognized for his length of service and the time during which he held a position in an institution of the European Union. Is work experience recognized if a person has worked in a non-EU country? The answer here cannot be equivocal. You need to check whether Bulgaria has a contract or agreement with the country. Bulgaria has many social security contracts: with the Russian Federation. Civil servants of the Armed Forces, members of the management of the Ministry of Interior and members of their families are not included. Canada; Tunisia; Israel; Korea; Moldova; Ukraine. As with many other countries. Documents required to prove work experience obtained in another country Demonstration of work experience is important in view of applying for jobs in places where such is required by law. Depending on the activity performed on the territory of another country, the documents are different, but there is one thing in common - they must be translated into Bulgarian and certified according to a procedure applicable between Bulgaria and the country concerned. How is the recognition of documents issued abroad? In most cases, it is sufficient for the document presented in connection with the recognition of work experience gained in another country to be certified with an apostille by the authority of the foreign country. Once the document has been placed, it is necessary to translate the document into Bulgarian language and to certify it to the MFA in Sofia. If a legal aid contract is concluded between the country in which the documents were issued and Bulgaria, it is not necessary to place an apostille on the specific document. In such a case, the document should only be translated into Bulgarian and certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sofia. On the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website are written the countries with which Bulgaria has concluded legal aid agreements.
#3, Dobrotica Str., Varna, Bulgaria
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