What can not be taken by the bailiff (non-verifiability)?
I owe money, and a bailiff knocks on my door. As a rule, for each of my duties against me, a forced execution may be directed to all of my property. The principles of this enforcement are similar, but they depend on whether my debt is to a private individual (a person or company) or to the state or municipality as public authorities.
Where enforcement is carried out for a debt to a private individual, the bailiff may NOT take the following items:
1. Articles for personal use:
one top hat, one top hat, one hat, two suits (pants, shirts and jackets or sweaters for men and skirts or trousers, blouses and vests or sweaters, or four dresses for women) and workwear ;
used shoes and underwear.
2. All baby food and accessories.
3. Articles for domestic use:
one bed, one mattress, one winter bed and one summer bed, and two bedclothes for each family member;
a double wardrobe, a kitchenette, ordinary tables and chairs;
ordinary household and kitchen utensils and utensils and ordinary utensils;
the necessary heating appliances and a cooking stove;
one washing machine and one refrigerator;
one telephone and one radio.
4. Artificial organs, dentures, glasses and other aids and articles used by me or my family members due to physical injuries or injuries as well as medicines and other devices, devices and materials for treatment.
5. Instructional tools, including books and musical instruments, the use of which is required in my general and professional training as well as that of my family members.
6. Domestic animals (pets) if not for sale.
7. Family and personal orders and distinctions.
8. The necessary food for me and my family for one month and if I am a farmer - the necessary food to a new crop or its equivalent in other agricultural produce, if there is none.
9. Required fuels for heating, cooking and lighting for three months.
10. If I practice a liberal profession or am an artisan - the machines, tools, tools and books needed to practice my craft.
11. If I am a farmer - my lands: gardens and vineyards with a total area of up to 5 decares or fields or meadows with an area of up to 30 decares as well as the machinery and equipment necessary for keeping the holding and the fertilizers, plant protection products and seed for sowing - for one year.
12. The two heads of livestock, one cow, five heads of cattle, ten bee hives and poultry, as well as the necessary food to feed them to a new harvest or to grazing.
13. My dwelling, if I, or none of the members of my family with whom I live together, have another home, regardless of whether I live in it. If the dwelling exceeds my household needs and those of my family members, the overwhelming majority of it is sold. Housing needs are defined by law, and for me and my family they are the following:
one bed, one mattress, one winter bed and one summer bed, and two bedclothes for each family member;
a double wardrobe, a kitchenette, ordinary tables and chairs;
ordinary household and kitchen utensils and utensils and ordinary utensils;
the necessary heating appliances and a cooking stove;
one washing machine and one refrigerator;
one telephone and one radio.
single family - 25 sq. m living area;
of two-member family - 40 sq. m living area;
of a three-member family - 55 sq. m living area;
of a family of four - 70 sq. m living area;
of a family with 5 or more members - 15 square meters of living space in more for the next members.
When determining the necessary living area, the child to be born is also taken into account. To accommodate specific needs, an additional living area (room) of up to 15 square meters may be included in the living area when a family member suffers from a disease entitling to a living room according to a list approved by the Minister for Health , or needs the assistance of another person according to an expert decision of the Territorial Expert Medical Commission (TEMC) or the National Expert Medical Commission (NEC).
If my obligation is to a person in whose favor I have set up a pledge or a mortgage on the above-mentioned items, the prohibition to sell by the enforcement agent will not apply. If my duty is for maintenance, damages for tort, and financial charges, then I can not benefit from the prohibition of items 11 and 13 above.
If enforcement is directed at any of my wages and my pension, if it is above the minimum wage, then the bailiff may