Types of work contracts

Types of work contracts

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Types of work contracts

The most common classification for the division of labor contracts of individual species is dependent on the duration of the contract.
On this basis, contracts are divided into contracts for an indefinite time / permanent contracts / and fixed-term contracts.
1. employment contracts indefinitely
Employment contract of indefinite duration is concluded by his country, without specifying the period of its duration. So this kind of bargaining in practice received the name indefinite employment contract.
2. term contracts
Fixed-term contracts are contracts containing clauses period. This clause must be explicitly agreed by the parties and included in the content of the employment contract if they wish to limit the temporal effects of the employment relationship.
- Employment contract for a fixed term
The duration of this type of employment contract can not be responsible for longer than three years
The duration of this type of employment contract is determinable. The duration of the term of this contract may be less or more than three years.
- Employment contract for replacing the absent WORKER
At the conclusion of this type of contract, the person will be accepted for alternate must meet the requirements of the occupation of this dlazhnost.Prodalzhitelnostta of this agreement depends on the length of absence of substitutions employee.
- Employment contract of the position they take up CONTEST
This type of employment contract is concluded for the time until the position is filled on the basis of competition.
- Employment contract for a fixed term
3. The employment contract for a trial period
Employment contract for a trial period is intended to verify the suitability of the employee for the performance of work for which he applied as and when the employee wishes to verify whether the work for which they wish to conclude an employment contract with the employer is appropriate for him. Clause probationary period may be expressly agreed in the employment contract in favor of the employer or for the employee and for the benefit of both sides. In cases where the labor contract is not indicated in whose favor a clause for a trial period, it is assumed that the period of testing has been agreed for the benefit of both sides. The clause could be agreed as an employment contract for an indefinite time and in fixed-term contracts.
4. Walking / Team / WORK CONTRACT
5. apprenticeship contract
- Employment contract for additional work for the same employer
- Employment contract for additional work with another employer
According to CT employment contract may be concluded and work on certain days of the month. Employment contract for up to 5 days or 40 hours per month may be concluded for an indefinite time and as a term. Moreover, the employee may conclude contracts with one or more employers.
Types of work contracts
Types of work contracts
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