The right of free prophylactic!

The right of free prophylactic!

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The right of free prophylactic!

Fortunately, I do not suffer often, so I do not visit my GP three or four times a year. So it happens that instead of me - my doctor reminds me that I should visit him once a year to go through the mandatory annual prophylactic review.
How often do I have to take a prophylactic examination?
As a health insured person, I know that once in a calendar year I have a prophylactic review. It is done by my personal physician and dentist respectively, who are required to provide me with information about the type and periodicity of prophylactic examinations. Their goal is to protect not only my health but also that of others.
Prophylactic examinations vary in different ways depending on age and subject of risk factors.
What does my review include as an adult?
As a health-insured adult (over 18 years), my annual prophylactic review includes:
history and detailed status;
calculating a body mass index;
assessment of mental status;
visual acuity study (indicative, non-diopter);
blood pressure measurement;
urine test with test strips in a protein cabinet, glucose conjugate bodies, urobilinogen / bilirubin, pH.
If I am a woman aged / over 30 years of age, I have to undergo a manual examination of the mammary gland every year.
It is good to be aware that all the research I undergo (within the framework of the prophylactic review) is covered by the National Health Insurance Fund, ie. I do not have to pay for them, as long as there is a contract between the medical institution and the NHIF.
What studies include the annual preventive examination of children and how often should they be carried out?
For children up to the age of one - a history and detailed status, as well as advice on caring for the newborn and promoting breastfeeding. There are two examinations within a 7-14 day period.
For children aged 1 month and up to 1 year of age - a history and detailed status, measuring height, weight, assessment of mental development is done once a month. Head and chest circumference measurement - monthly until the sixth month and then on the 9th month and 1 year. At 6 months and 1 year of age, a general assessment of vision and hearing is made. At the age of one month and four months - a clinical study for hip dysplasia with risk assessment of dysplasia.
For children aged 1 to 2 years, a history and detailed status, weight growth, weight, breast circumference, assessment of mental development 4 times during the year are performed for periods of not less than 2 months.
For children aged 2 to 7 - a history and detailed status, measuring height, weight, breast circumference is done twice a year in a period of not less than 4 months. Assessment of mental and physical development takes place once a year. At the age of 5, visual acuity is studied.
For children aged 7 to 18 - history and detailed status, measurement of height, weight, breast circumference, blood pressure measurement, physical development assessment is performed once a year. There is also a study on visual acuity and color perception, abnormal development of the locomotor system, urine testing for protein (with test strip or in a laboratory).
What if I'm pregnant?
Pregnant women and mothers up to 42 days after birth are subject to prophylactic examinations and studies. Prophylactic examinations are performed by a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology or by the general practitioner at my request.
If my pregnancy is at increased risk, the examination is mandatory by a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. More about the rights of pregnant women I can learn here.
At first, a history of risk factors (age, accompanying illness, complications of previous pregnancies, harmful habits, professional, etc.) is made. The probable term of birth is also determined.
Arterial blood pressure is measured - once within the first trimester, then once in each lunar month, and in ninth and tenth - twice.
Measurement of height, body mass, external pelvimetry (measurement of the pelvic diameter in order to determine if it is large enough for normal labor) - once within the first trimester, then once in each lunar month, and in ninth and tenth - twice.
Determine the gynecological status - at the first visit, once in the fourth lunar month, and at the next at the discretion of the physician.
The fetal heartbeat is recorded - from the fourth and fifth lunar months at a time, and in the last two - twice.
Taking an oncoprophylactic cytoplasm on a first visit.
Vaginal secretion for microbiological examination - at the first visit and in the ninth lunar month.
Obstetrics ultrasound - once within the first trimester and once again within the 16-20 gestational week.
Until the 42nd day after birth - performed
The right of free prophylactic!
The right of free prophylactic!
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