Serving imprisonment

Serving imprisonment

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Serving imprisonment

Serving imprisonment


    Minors deprived of their liberty are imprisoned. The prisons also house indoor and outdoor prison dormitories. Underage citizens are serving their sentence in a correctional facility. Women are either placed in a prison or a women's dormitory. For foreign nationals, the place of serving the sentence is determined by an order of the Minister of Justice. There are different modes of suffering for prisoners. These are: light, general, strict, special. Prison and prison dormitories are subject to a general, strict, special regime. For the open type, general and light regimen apply. For correctional homes light, general and strict regimen. The inmate has the opportunity to ask the head of the prison to move to an open-type prison dormitory in a lighter regime. This is done if the prisoner shows that he regrets what he has done, does not violate the established order, is inclined to correct himself. On the other hand, the chief may decide to move him. However, at least 1/4 of the sentence imposed must be served, not less than 6 months. The decision may be appealed within 14 days to the administrative court where the sentence was imposed. If the request is not upheld by the court, six months later, the request may be resubmitted.

Serving imprisonment
Serving imprisonment
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