Registration of condominiums
"This is a pure lottery - with whom you will live in Bulgaria! Whom will you share the floors, "Cheers" with whom you will say! "Oh, how I like to humor this popular song! However, its significance only became meaningful when I bought an apartment in a brand new residential building. If I have to be honest, I have lived in the house so far, and the moment of setting up the condominium is not clear to me, nor how to react if my neighbors have leaked and damaged my property or when I have the right not to pay common costs to condominiums a whole bunch of questions .... A meeting of the owners is coming soon, and I will be there. Here's what it's nice to know about before I go:
What exactly does Floor Ownership represent?
Floor ownership occurs when floors or parts of floors, together with the enclosed premises in the attic or basement, belong to individual owners - the state, municipalities or other natural or legal persons. To have condominiums, the separate objects (apartments, offices, studios) must be more than three. In addition to stand-alone objects, there are also parts that are common to all owners. More information about the common parts of a condominium building can be found here.

What forms of condominium management can we choose?
These are the General Meeting of Owners and the Owners' Association.
General Assembly of Owners
Managing bodies of the owners' General Assembly are the General Assembly and the Managing Board (Manager). The Control Council / Controller (This is an optional authority and is elected by decision of the General Assembly) controls the activity of the Management Board (Manager). The general meeting shall be convened at least once a year by the manager, the supervisor or at the written request of the owners who have at least 20 per 100 shares of the common parts of the building. The request shall be made to the Governor, who shall convene a General Assembly within 10 days of its receipt. Where the Governor has not convened a General Assembly within 10 days, the request shall be made to the mayor of the municipality or region. In the case of newly built condominiums, the first General Meeting shall be convened within six months after its occurrence by the owners of independent sites which have at least 20 per 100 shares of the common parts. This form of government is more common and simpler.
What is the procedure for convening the General Meeting of the owners?
The general meeting shall be convened by an invitation, which shall be placed in a conspicuous and publicly accessible place at the entrance of the building at least 7 days before the date of the meeting and in urgent cases (such as the roof of the building running due to heavy rains or the elevator is faulty condition and must be stopped for the safety of the residents) at least 24 hours before. The date and time of placement must be noted on the invitation of the general assembly, for which a protocol is also drawn up. The invitation shall state the agenda of the General Meeting, the date, the time and the place of its holding.
Important! If I am an owner or user in the cooperative and will be away for more than a month at home (or I do not live in the building), it is good to provide the manager in writing with an email, phone number and address in the country to receive the call meeting.
The general meeting shall be held in an appropriate place in the condominium, its adjoining area or elsewhere near it. A record shall be kept of the date and place of the holding; the agenda; the faces appearing, their respective ideal parts of the condominium and the number of their standalone object; the way voters voted; statements made, proposals and decisions adopted. In the General Assembly the owners have the right to vote, corresponding to their own shares of the common parts of the building.