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    The president has the right to pardon. The Vice President has the right to pardon, provided that he is authorized by the President. The punishment imposed can be completely or partially simplified. The pardon is realized by the issuing of a decree. The options under which the pardon can be made are: • Poor health requiring specialized treatment; • In the presence of children or parents of a prisoner whose physical survival depends on him or her; • If the prisoner has repeatedly shown good behavior or the sentence has had a positive effect on him. It is a practice not to grant a pardon when the conditions for conditional early release come, since it has more conditions and is preferable to a pardon. It brings greater security to society, while pardon is unconditional. The person who can apply for a pardon is the prisoner himself, his relative or a third person. At the initiative of the President, a prisoner may also be pardoned. There is no time limit for submitting such an application. An application may be lodged at the earliest when the sentence enters into force. The petition is written to the President, in free text. There is a Presidential Commission available that cannot decide who will be pardoned and who will not be pardoned, but it still deals with pardon issues. The President is not obliged to comply with the Commission. If the refusal is made, there is a possibility to file a second application. It is good to know that if several applications are submitted in the near term, without any changes in the situation of the prisoner, the file will be terminated. If there is a pardon on the face, it will continue to be sentenced. Pardon does not equate to rehabilitation.

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