Full-time employees who have at least three hours of night work included, as well as shift workers, one of whom includes at least three hours of night work, are considered employees who do night work.
The night work is performed by the workers from 22.00 to 06.00, and for minors - from 20.00 to 06.00. Workers whose working hours include at least three hours of night hours (22.00-06.00 hours) are considered to be working at night. The normal duration of night work is up to seven hours and up to thirty-five hours per week for a five-day work week.
For effective night work, the employer is obliged to provide the workers with warm food, refreshments and other relaxing conditions.
Night work is prohibited for minors (under the age of 18), pregnant workers and advanced workers in vitro; mothers with children under 6 years of age or mothers who care for children with disabilities, except with their written consent; employed workers; workers who continue their education without interruption, except with their consent.
The night work paid shall be paid by an increase agreed by the parties to the employment relationship, but not less than the amount determined by the Council of Ministers. For every night worked, an additional hourly wage of not less than BGN 0.25 is paid to the employees. If converted into percentages, BGN 0.25 is 12.31% of the current hourly minimum working hour. salary is BGN 2.03. In addition, the nighttime hours are shorter than the full-time daytime hours.
Employees who work night work are only accepted after a preliminary medical examination, at the expense of the employer, and are subject to periodic medical examinations.
Appropriate tools and equipment shall be used to avoid manual lifting, maintenance and transfer of weight when organizing work. In cases where manual lifting, maintenance and carrying of weights cannot be avoided, organizational measures shall be taken and appropriate means shall be used to reduce the damage to health and the risk of accident to workers. The minimum requirements for healthy and safe working conditions for manual work with weights are determined by an ordinance of the Minister of Health and the Minister of Labor and Social Policy.
When a health authority determines that the health status of a worker or employee has deteriorated due to night work, he or she shall move to a suitable day job or get a job.