Light bodily harm

Light bodily harm

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Light bodily harm

Slight personal injury 


    Health crimes are the second group of crimes against the individual. Injuries against health and bodily integrity are expressed in different in nature and degree of damage affecting the anatomical integrity and physiological functions of the organs and tissues of the human body, and in the most mild cases, in causing pain or suffering. Personal injury is the unlawful and culpable damage to another person's health by disrupting the anatomical integrity or physiological functions of the tissues, organs or systems of the human body, or causing pain or suffering. Depending on the degree of disability, the law regulates the basic composition of: • Serious personal injury; • Medium bodily injury; • Mild injury. In the case of minor bodily injury that causes another health disorder, except in the case of serious or moderate bodily injury, punishment shall be punished for minor bodily harm by imprisonment of up to two years or by probation. For minor bodily injury that results in causing pain or suffering without a health disorder, the punishment is imprisonment of up to six months or probation, or a fine of one hundred to three hundred levs. Light injuries are of two categories: • Health disorders, except in the case of serious or moderate injury. A disorder of health beyond the occurrence of serious or moderate injury should be understood to mean any impairment that is not permanent, permanent, long-lasting, permanent or temporarily life-threatening. They constitute slight damage to the anatomical integrity or slight alteration of the physiological functions of the body. • Causing pain and suffering without a health disorder. Causing pain and suffering without a health disorder is the weakest affecting the body, causing the injured person to suffer pain or suffering. Pain is the short-lived experience of an unpleasant sensation resulting from a physical impact. Suffering is a continuing pain. Minor bodily harm in the main line-up is a crime of a private nature - prosecution is instituted at the request of the victim. In the case of minor bodily injuries, the institute of retort also finds application. If in the cases of the preceding paragraphs the victim immediately replied to the offender with the same bodily injury, the court may release both of them from punishment. Retortions can only be applied when they are mutually similar in appearance to the extent of the injury to a minor injury (only health disorder or pain and suffering only). It does not matter which of the two perpetrators was the first to strike and whether the second perpetrator is in a state of severe irritation caused by the first personal injury.

Light bodily harm
Light bodily harm
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