The husband inherits a share equal to the share of each child.
(2) When the spouse inherits together with ascendants or with siblings or their descendants, he receives half of the inheritance, if it was opened before the age of ten years from the conclusion of the marriage, otherwise he receives 2/3 of heritage. And when the husband inherits together with the ascendants and with the brothers and sisters or with their descendants, he receives one third of the inheritance in the first case and half in the second.
(3) If there are no other heirs under the preceding paragraph, the spouse shall receive the entire inheritance.
The reserved part of descendants (including adopted ones), when the testator has not left a spouse, is: for one child or descendants - 1/2, and for two or more children or descendants - 2/3 of the testator's property.
(2) The preserved part of the parents or only of the survivor of them is 1/3.
(3) The reserved part of the spouse is 1/2, when he inherits alone, and 1/3, when the heir has also left parents. When the heir has left descendants and a husband, the reserved part of the spouse is equal to the reserved part of each child. In these cases the available share for one child is equal to 1/3, for two children it is equal to 1/4, and for three and more children it is equal to 1/6 of the inheritance.
The inheritance of the surviving spouse is based on a valid marital relationship existing at the time of the opening of the inheritance
In Bulgarian inheritance law, inheritance by law is based on a kinship between persons, which is determined by their origin, with the exception of the spouse, whose right to inherit is based on the marital relationship with the testator.
The Certificate of Heirs, issued on the basis of the population register by an official under the Civil Registration Act, as an official certifying document, proves these circumstances with binding probative force, but does not exclude the possibility of proving them directly by the party by presenting a transcript or extract from the civil status registers of the birth certificate, the marriage certificate and the death certificate
For example, if A and B are married for the first time after the nationalization, have no children from the marriage and died before the restoration, B's heirs will not inherit the restituted property of A. Conversely, if the marriage took place before the nationalization and is the second for A , B's heirs will inherit A.'s restored property.