For owners and users of motor vehicles

For owners and users of motor vehicles

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For owners and users of motor vehicles

New changes in registration, reporting, putting into service and stopping of motor vehicles and trailers towed by them and the procedure for providing data on registered road vehicles

(1). Extension of the registration deadline for motor vehicles and trailers from 14 days to 1 month upon acquisition of the ownership of a vehicle outside the Republic of Bulgaria or upon acquisition of the ownership by public sale, except in case of acquisition for sale of unregistered in country vehicles from business entities. "
(2) The owner shall be obliged to present the vehicle and the necessary documents within the stipulated term (1 month) for making a registration, change of the registration or termination of the registration.
(3) When changing the permanent address of the owner in a settlement in another area, the owner shall submit the registration document for change of registration within one month from the issuance of the new personal document and new plates with a registration number for the respective area shall be issued.
(4) When changing the ownership of a vehicle registered in the country, the Ministry of the Interior and the Notary Chamber shall electronically exchange information about the vehicle and the concluded contract.
(5) In carrying out a transaction with a Registered Police, after performing the identification, the notary conducting the transaction shall request the MoI information system to validate the data on the vehicle, its ownership and to provide information on imposed distraints or other legal limitations by entering the registration number of the LV, the LV identification number, the registration certificate number and the CPS owner's identification data entered on the registration certificate.
(6) In the event of a distraction or other legal limitation imposed on the Civil Protection Act, the MoI system shall notify the requesting notary of the existence of such limitations, in which case the notary shall notify the parties to the transaction.
(7) The notary certifies the concluded transaction for transfer of the ownership of the PS after receiving verified data from the Ministry of Interior on the request made under para. 2 and taking into account the restrictions under para. 3 in accordance with the law and in case the tax is paid on the vehicle.
(8) In the event that the transaction is carried out, the information system of the Notary Chamber shall be sent to the information system of the Ministry of Interior informing the notary who registered the transaction, the registration number and the date from the general register of the notary before whom the transaction was recorded; transferee transaction details that are recorded on the vehicle information.
(9) In the case of a transaction with the Passenger, the transferee may require the notary to prepare a registration certificate in case the vehicle is registered with the same regional directorate of the Ministry of Interior where it was registered and there will be no replacement of the registration plates number and change of vehicle data. In this case the fees for filing an application and issuing a certificate for registration of the PS are paid by the transferee through the notary.
(10) The acquirer under para. 6 provides the notary with information about current e-mail and / or contact phone number.
(11) Upon the conclusion of the transaction after 14:00, the registration certificate may be received at the earliest on the next business day.
(12) In the cases under para. 6 the new registration certificate (Part 1 and 2) is obtained from the respective "Traffic Police" at the SDRD / ODMWP at the permanent address of the owner - for the natural persons or at the address of the registration - for the economic entities after returning the old license registration (Part 1 and 2). "
(13) In order to obtain temporary plates with the registration number the person under para. 1 filed:
1. application (Annex 7);
2. a list of registered commercial sites;
3. a list of the data of the persons who will be responsible for and use the temporary plates with a registration number;
4. declarations under the Personal Data Protection Act and copies of labor or civil contracts of the persons under item 3;
5. a declaration that the applicant trader is not in bankruptcy proceedings;
6. document proving that the person under para. 1 is an importer / manufacturer of vehicles of the given brand (s) for the Republic of Bulgaria. "
For a vehicle registered in an EU Member State, EEA or Swiss Confederation holding a valid roadworthiness review document, provided it corresponds to the frequency of the intervals for the periodic examinations specified in Art. 147, para. 3 of the TIP, a Technical Inspection Mark (TPA) shall be issued in a standard form (Annex 4), specifying the month and year for the submission of the first periodical technical inspection. "
(15) The Ministry of Interior and the Automobile Administration Executive Agency shall exchange information electronically about registered  road vehicles and periodic roadworthiness tests.
1. For the purpose of performing a periodical technical inspection of the aircraft registered in the Republic of Bulgaria, upon request of the information system of the Automobile Administration Executive Agency containing the registration number and the registration number of the vehicle, the information system of the Ministry of Interior provides data for:
(a) vehicle identification number (VIN);
(b) registration number;
(c) make and model;
(d) category;
(e) color;
(f) engine number;
(g) date of first registration;
(h) type of fuel;
(i) type-approval number, type, variant and version;
(k) mass, technically permissible maximum mass, maximum permissible mass, as determined by the competent authorities, and the maximum permissible mass of a combination of vehicles;
(l) technically permissible maximum mass of the trailer to be towed;
(m) number of axles;
(n) distribution of the technically permissible maximum mass on the axles;
(o) engine volume and maximum engine power;
(p) number of seats;
(q) noise level;
c) corrected absorption coefficient for diesel engines;
s) ecological category.
2. In the event of a dangerous technical failure, the information system of the Automobile Administration Executive Agency shall notify the Ministry of Interior information system by sending a data on:
(a) vehicle identification number (VIN);
(b) the registration number of the vehicle;
(c) category of vehicle (if any);
(d) the place and date of the periodic survey;
(e) established deficiencies and their level of seriousness;
(f) the result of the periodic review.
3. After the removal of the dangerous technical failure and the passing of a periodical technical inspection, the information system of the Automobile Administration Executive Agency shall notify the Ministry of Interior information system by sending data on:
(a) vehicle identification number (VIN);
(b) the registration number of the vehicle;
(c) category of vehicle (if any);
(d) the place and date of the periodic survey;
(e) outcome of the periodic review;
(f) the number of the periodic technical inspection mark.
4. Upon request from the Ministry of Interior's information system containing the registration number or vehicle identification number, the information system of the Automobile Administration Executive Agency shall provide data on:
(a) vehicle identification number (VIN);
(b) the registration number of the vehicle;
(c) category of vehicle (if any);
(d) the number of the periodic technical inspection mark;
(e) location and date of the periodic inspection;
(f) indication of the mileage indicator, when present, at the time of the periodic inspection;
(g) the date of the next periodic review;
(h) outcome of the periodic review;
(i) established deficiencies and severity levels;
k) authorization number, UIC / BULSTAT and name of the person under Art. 148, para. 2 of the LTA, which carried out the periodic review;
(l) PIN / PNG and the names of the person who submitted the vehicle to a periodic inspection. "
For owners and users of motor vehicles
For owners and users of motor vehicles
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