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    Experts are experts in particular fields such as medicine, science, technology and more. They are not court employees, they just offer their services as things in a particular area. After the judge has decided that the case will be necessary, he appoints an expert who in turn must answer the questions put to him by the judge within the given time limit. Experts are also appointed in enforcement cases. When a property inventory is made, an expert is present to evaluate it. The expert's remuneration is part of the costs and is to be paid by each of the parties to the case. An expert may join at the request of either party to the case or at the initiative of the court. Once this is done, he is given access to the case file so that, for example, some expertise can be produced. A judge is likely to appoint more than one expert when the questions to be answered are more complex and require a more thorough examination. Of course, there are some requirements for experts. One is that it must be impartial in order for it to be properly judged. If the expert does not appear at the hearing without valid reasons, refuses or fails to submit the examination within the time limit, he or she will be fined. If his conclusion is not true, he is liable to criminal liability. The expert witness has one week before the hearing to present all that he was required to do. If this deadline is not respected, the case is postponed to another date.

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