The employment record is an official document in which information related to the employment of the employee is entered.
The following shall be entered in the employment record book:
• name, date and place of birth of its holder;
• address;
• ID card number or other identity document and unique civil number;
• education, profession, specialty for publishing the book;
position held and organizational unit in which he works (department, workshop, service);
• the agreed remuneration;
• date of employment;
• date and grounds for termination of employment (article, paragraph, point and letter of this Code);
• length of time that is recognized as seniority, as well as the time that is not recognized as seniority;
• paid benefits upon termination of employment;
• arrest notices provided for in Art. 512, para. 5 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
In case of a change of circumstances, the employer is obliged to enter it in the employment record book!
Each person is obliged to present his / her employment record when entering employment
at the employer. When starting work for the first time, the employer is obliged to provide him with an employment record within 5 days.
The employment record is kept by the employee, who is always obliged to present it to the employer upon request.
1. If your employment record is lost due to the fault of the employer, you need to contact the Labor Inspectorate, which will issue you another. The employer is obliged to present to the Labor Inspectorate all available information at his disposal in order to restore your employment record.
2. If the employment record is lost by you, the employee must contact the labor inspectorate, which is competent to issue you a new employment record on the basis of reliable data provided by you.
#3, Dobrotica Str., Varna, Bulgaria
Mob: +359 895 64 59 40