Copyright arises when the production in question is the result of your creative activity. Such as photos, movies, poems, music and more. You have the right to do whatever you want with your work. As long as you are alive and 70 years after your death, your copyright remains protected. Then everyone can enjoy your work. You have the option of assigning your copyright to a copyright contract. You may grant the user an exclusive or non-exclusive right over the work. When you enter into an exclusive contract with a person, only he or she will be able to use your work for a specified period of time. With a non-exclusive contract, you can use your creativity, even if you outsource it to third parties. You must include in the copyright contract for what term it will be valid and also for the territory in which the work in question will be used. If you have not agreed to these things, it will be for a period of 3 years, and the territory in which the country of nationality is the one to which you have transferred your copyright will be considered. Another thing you need to arrange is the remuneration - and above all its size. No later than 2 years after the conclusion of the contract or the day on which you submitted the work the person must start using it. Otherwise you have the right to terminate the contract. This is the case for a copyright contract. With non-exclusive rights, even if the user has not started using the work, you do not need to terminate the contract. With respect to taxes, you owe a tax on the remuneration you receive, but not on the entire amount. The taxable income will be 40 per 100 of the remuneration, owing 10% on the amount received.
#3, Dobrotica Str., Varna, Bulgaria
Mob: +359 895 64 59 40