Child support - increase

Child support - increase

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Child support - increase

Child support - increase


    Reason for increasing the cost of living

    If you have a maintenance allowance and want to resize it, you must file a lawsuit. Your request must meet the following conditions: Рябва You must be incapacitated and unable to support your property.  Have an enforceable judgment ordering the person from whom you want a higher maintenance allowance to pay you.  The obliged person should be able to pay it.  There are substantial grounds for increasing the cost of living. Circumstances in which change is required Increasing your needs, sickness, admission to a specialized school, if you are a minor, and other similar causes that may increase your costs. If the obliged person is given greater opportunities. For example, if it had not been able to provide it at the time of the judgment. After that, the obliged person finds a suitable job and can now afford the necessary maintenance. If you are a minor, the minimum subsistence allowance is 1/4 of the minimum wage. When the minimum wage is changed, the amount of maintenance will also change. But it will not change automatically, and you will need a judgment. Increasing maintenance - way As already mentioned, the amount of maintenance changes after a judgment has been given. To do so, you must file a claim with the court to attach evidence of what you claim in it. The evidence may be of the type of:  Past maintenance award decision; Ждане Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Divorce Decision, etc. Documents proving your relationship with the debtor depending on the reason on which you claim maintenance;  Documents showing your and your debtor's material status. The court to be addressed is the district court in which your or the person's area is located, permanent address permanent. It does not matter which court first ruled on maintenance. You do not owe any state fees for considering the claim. This type of case is dealt with in the expedited procedure, that is, you will get a decision sooner than if it were dealt with in the so-called "common lawsuit" or even in the usual order for hearing cases.

Child support - increase
Child support - increase
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