Call received

Call received

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Call received

Call received

    When you receive a summons, it will mention whether you have been summoned in a civil or criminal case and whether you have been summoned as a party or as a witness. It should also include the case number, who is the issuing court, your name and address, the place and time of the hearing, and the consequences if you do not attend the hearing. You must receive the summons 1 week in advance of the meeting. When summoned as a party, the summons will be sent to the address given in the case. Provided you do not find your current address there, and if you do not find your permanent address there. It may also be served on another person you have designated to represent you. In the absence of an address, a third party is entitled to receive the summons. It is signed and obliged to hand it to you. You are required to indicate the person to whom the summons will be served if you are abroad. Otherwise, subpoenas are considered served and applied in the case. You are also required to inform the court if you have an address other than the one you provided in the case. If they cannot find you at the address for one month after at least three visits, and no one agrees to receive your subpoena, there must be a notice on the door, mail box stating that the subpoena has been left in court. Then you have to go to get it within 2 weeks. Otherwise you will be considered regularly summoned. With regular summoning as a witness, it is your duty to appear before the court and testify. You cannot refuse and be subject to a fine if you do not appear. The court will inquire about your identity before the hearing - name, marital status, education, address, etc. You have to make a promise that you will only tell the truth. You have the right to refuse to testify if you are in a kinship, marital relationship with either party, or are father-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law. You can make a request by the end of the meeting if you are a witness, for payment of cash (missed work day) and expenses (transportation).

Call received
Call received
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