Brokering recruitment

Brokering recruitment

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Brokering recruitment

The modalities for conducting mediation in employment

The modalities for conducting mediation in employment are regulated by the Law on Employment Promotion (EPA) and the Regulation on conditions and procedures for conducting mediation in employment (NURIPDNR).
Brokering in employment consists in assisting job seekers and employers offering jobs with a view to concluding a contract of employment, as firms can provide in aggregate or individually these intermediary services:
1.informirane and / or counseling to job seekers and employers;
2.psihologichesko assist job seekers;
3.nasochvane to adult education;
4.nasochvane and support for employment, including education elsewhere in the country or in other countries.
Brokering recruitment can be carried out by persons entitled to carry out intermediary employment services according to Bulgarian legislation, the legislation of a Member - State of the Union or of another country - party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. These individuals intermediary business based on registration in the Employment Agency and after issuance of a certificate by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy or by an authorized official. A certificate is issued for a period of five years form and entered in the register, it lists mediation services, which the firm will provide in aggregate or individually to jobseekers.
Within the period of registration the mediator can apply for amendment to the type of intermediary services provided by submitting an application to the Employment Agency.
Registration certificate for conducting mediation should be placed in a conspicuous place in the office of mediator, and in advertising and / or publishing job advertisements mediator announces the number you registered for conducting mediation, shelf registration and resp . the number of registered intermediary contract of employment (with guidance and support for employment abroad or seamen).
The right of conducting mediation can not be transferred to any other individuals and / or entities.
The intermediary shall provide:
1.posrednicheski services free of charge - no collection directly or indirectly, in whole or in part of fees or other payments from looking for employment or working person in t. H. Of sailor;
2.posrednicheski services against payment by the employer, including the ship, which can not be at the expense of the remuneration of the working person.
To perform intermediary activity on employing the mediator concludes intermediary contracts with:
1. jobseekers;
2. employers, including ship.
The intermediation contract between the firm and the job seeker contain:
1. Data intermediary for the job seeker;
2. The rights and obligations of the parties, including the obligation of the intermediary, the intermediary activity on employing abroad or sailors to fully recover the costs of accommodation and transport sent by him in certain cases (when not met the requirements of Art . 32 and 37 of the Ordinance on the terms and conditions for conducting mediation in employment);
3. The term of the contract;
4. The financial arrangements for the provision of intermediary services (as required by Art. 4 of the Ordinance on the terms and conditions for conducting mediation in employment);
5. conditions for early termination of the contract;
6. responsibility of the parties in default;
7. other conditions.
Mediator advertises and / or publishes jobs only at the request of the employer, he is obliged to refuse the performance of intermediation activities for employment in applications where not met the requirements of Art. 2 of the Law on Employment Promotion.
The intermediary shall provide job seekers information on job vacancies and for the respective positions, which include:
1. The requirements for the job applicant - professional and physical suitability;
2. conditions;
3. The proposed remuneration;
4. conditions for social and health insurance, insurance;
5. necessary knowledge of the language of the host country;
6. Other specific requirements.
The intermediary provides services for recruitment of workers at the request of the employer.
Intermediaries operating in employment abroad and sailors can provide the "guidance and support for employment, including education elsewhere in the country or in other countries" only after registration in the Employment Agency intermediation contract foreign employer, including shipowner.
Brokering in employment in Bulgaria
The intermediary shall provide mediation services to job seekers by orders of employers for contracts under the provisions of the Labour Code and other legislative acts in the field of labor law, as well as the terms and conditions stipulated in an international treaty for the exchange of workforce in which Bulgaria is a party.
Brokering for employment abroad
The mediator provides jobs for Bulgarian citizens abroad according to the law of the host country and / or the terms and conditions stipulated in an international treaty for the exchange of labor, to which Bulgaria is a party. The mediator can not negotiate for Bulgarian citizens working conditions and wages below the minimum for the host country according to its national legislation. Intermediaries work abroad can not agree on Bulgarian citizens working conditions and wages below the minimum for the host country in accordance with national legislation.
For brokerage for employment abroad mediator concludes intermediary contracts with job seekers and employers seeking workers / employees, each brokerage contract with a foreign employer must be registered with the Employment Agency.
The mediator directs and assists job seekers to start work in other countries following the registration in the Employment Agency intermediation contract with a foreign employer, and under the terms of this contract.
The intermediary shall provide job seekers:
1. statement by the legislation of the foreign country regulating the employment of foreign nationals in this country, translated in Bulgarian;
2. Information about the employer;
3. information about the culture, lifestyle and customs of the foreign country.
The mediator also must provide the job seeker before his departure from the Republic of Bulgaria signed an individual contract of employment by the employer or by an authorized person to sign individual contracts of employment, as well as translation of the contract in Bulgarian. Providing individual contract is certified by a declaration signed by the person.
Individual contract of employment should contain data on:
date and place of conclusion of the contract;
term of the contract;
data for a particular position, which will be employed person;
the period of employment;
work time;
living conditions;
health insurance;
compensation for accidents at work;
compensation for temporary and permanent disability;
compensation for death;
compensation for early termination of the employment contract;
transport costs of the person employed to work on arrival;
the use of annual leave and his final return in Bulgaria, including the early termination of the employment contract;
work permits;
the obligation of the employer to conclude its expense health insurance for sickness, accident and death of employed persons prior to their departure from the Republic of Bulgaria, acting on the territory of the foreign country for the duration of the signed individual employment contract, as well as time trip.
Brokering recruitment of seafarers
Brokering recruitment of seafarers is carried out in accordance with the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), ratified and entered into force for the Republic of Bulgaria.
The mediator directs and assists job seekers to start work as sailors after registration in the Employment Agency intermediation contract with the shipowner, and under the terms of this contract.
The intermediary shall provide the job seeker before his departure from the Republic of Bulgaria signed an individual contract of employment by the shipowner or the person authorized by him to sign individual contracts of employment, as well as translation of the contract in Bulgarian. Providing individual contract is certified by a declaration signed by the person and the individual contract of employment shall contain:
 date and place of conclusion of the contract;
 term of the contract;
 name and number of the vessel in which it is registered in the International Maritime Organisation (IMO number);
 positions that will be employed persons and working conditions;
 working hours, breaks and holidays;
 work in war zones; living conditions;
compensation for occupational accidents, temporary or permanent disability, death, premature termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the shipowner or sailor as well as abandonment of the ship from the shipowner, unemployment in case of loss of the ship in wreck;
medical examinations and medical care;
transportation costs;
liability of the shipowner to arrange and pay for repatriation of the seamen.
Brokering recruitment
Brokering recruitment
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