Simultaneously with the appointment of the expertise, the specialist in the given field is involved in the capacity of an expert. In civil law, instead of "appointment of an expert", it is customary to refer to "appointment of an expert".
In criminal law, an expert is appointed by the court or the bodies of pre-trial proceedings, and in civil law an expert is appointed by court order, when special knowledge is needed to clarify certain issues essential to the case.
When a fact is obvious, the need for expertise is excluded and if a fact is established in an indisputable and categorical way through the testimony of witnesses and explanations of accomplices, no expertise is appointed.
The expertise is appointed as soon as the need arises to clarify certain facts due to the speed of the process on the one hand, and on the other hand - the danger of changing the objects to be studied.
#3, Dobrotica Str., Varna, Bulgaria
Mob: +359 895 64 59 40