Surrender procedure based on the European Arrest Warrant (EAW), aims to introduce looser cooperation between Member States in criminal matters
Composition of the SCC stated that the decision of the legislator to introduce European standards for the execution of imprisonment or other detention imposed by the competent judicial authorities in other Member States in proceedings conducted in the absence of the person concerned, namely in the Warrant so not accidental. Decision № 171 of 11.10.2016, under Mr. E. № 647/2016, the states that surrender procedure based on the European Arrest Warrant (EAW), aims to introduce looser cooperation between Member States EU in criminal matters and in particular in carrying imposed by effective sentences of imprisonment or other measures requiring detention without going through much more complicated procedure for recognition and enforcement of a judgment of a foreign court covered in PPC . Built to a high degree of confidence between the judicial systems of the Member States allow the court of the executing Member State competent to examine the EAW transmission convicted person serving a punishment to refuse its implementation in recorded territorial commitment of the requested person in that Member State, accepting punishment or measure to enforce in its territory.