Rumyana Chenalova was "mad with a machine gun," guarding Mafia interest in judiciary

Rumyana Chenalova was "mad with a machine gun," guarding Mafia interest in judiciary

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Rumyana Chenalova was "mad with a machine gun," guarding Mafia interest in judiciary

Rumyana Chenalova was "mad with a machine gun," guarding Mafia interest in judiciary

The aim of the scandal records not be removed Attorney General and to racketeering in the mouth of this woman (R. Chenalova - author) placed in the corner of the accused. What makes Chenalova - defend yourself or defend the mafia interests. My answer is the second. It said the leader of DSB Radan Kanev, the BTV.
According to him Rumyana Chenalova was "mad with a machine gun," in his words, however, no one is so brave to say such things without back behind him. "We're talking about powerful figures of these corrupt environments that guarantee its safety," said Kanev.
According to deputies the center of these corrupt environments Sofia City Court, which the DSB leader once called the "heart of the octopus", then "the dirtiest sock in the judicial system" and finally the "core of the mafia in Bulgaria."
Radan Kanev believes that the purpose of this scandal are constitutional changes: "That's why I intervened behalf of the Attorney General - to be told not to investigate, does not support the reform."
And more: "We have to clear the maximum judiciary, active and positive role should be in Sotir Tsatsarov, he must cleanse his name, took the umbrella of the Supreme Judicial Council to ensure independent unraveling of this corruption sock." According to Kanev if the Attorney General is responsible, "we are on the verge of" Operation Clean Hands ".
According to the leader of the DSB response options of the Attorney General are two. The first is the adoption of the proposed constitutional amendments for an independent prosecutor, who has the rights investigations. The second option is Sotir Tsatsarov delegate to another person, which he and the community have sufficient confidence full independence in the investigation of the records themselves.
He said he had already spoken with Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and discussed who could be that person. According to Kanev it comes to personality "with criminal capacity". The DSB leader is ready to discuss the issue with the Chief Prosecutor does not offer these things only in the media.
Rumyana Chenalova was
Rumyana Chenalova was
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