Moment that occurs prematurely claim the credit, the date on which a statement by the bank that considers acceleration of the Loan, has reached the debtor - borrower and that if there were objective preconditions for the loss of the advantage of time. At this point all or unpaid balance on the loan is payable in terms of the borrower, and in terms of the customer. This is the starting point of the current 6-month period under Art. 147 para. 1 CPA and the responsibility of the customer would be discharged if the date of application for issuance of a writ of execution period has expired.
In this sense, Decision № 23 of 03.24.2015, the SCC stated that the conclusion that early chargeability of the obligation under the contract for a bank loan occurs automatically and does not depend on a bank statement, and therefore the application for a writ of execution was filed after the 6-month term of art. 147 para. 1 CPA and the guarantor does not meet the loan agreement does not correspond to the authorizations granted to the legal issues raised, which is why such decision was rendered in violation of the law and should be repealed.