If the decision of the CPC confirmed in court, citizens can seek damages
Commission for Consumer Protection (CCP) banned two of the largest mobile operators in Bulgaria refuse its subscribers termination of contracts with motives that are not provided either in contract or in general terms to them, reports. "Now ". This was announced yesterday by the Commission. Current practice of telecoms no any legal grounds, according to the commission.
CCP has handed an order of two telecom to cease unfair practice, explained to "Now" there. Checks are complaints of disgruntled customers and are filed at the end of last year.
One of the operators refused customer to terminate the contract if the application is not made in exactly the object in which it is concluded. According to the lawyers of the CPC after such a condition is not enshrined in the contract with the operator, he is not entitled to request from the user.
Another trader mobile service requires the request for termination to be a type form of notice, even though it was not written previously described. General conditions of the company admitted the written request be filed unless form and free-form. In practice, the trader requires subscribers to fill out a form for an addendum to the contract form. It is provided in the telecom shops and must be submitted just one month before the expiry of the contract. If these requirements are not met, the contract is terminated.
These actions of traders undue hardship to consumers and represent unfair trading practices are clear in its opinion of the CPC. The operators appealed the orders, so do not communicate what are the offenders. In the event that the court confirmed the decisions of the supervisory body, the victims of the effects of these practices customers can claim compensation through the courts.
Divorce with telecom for years a problem for users. A year and a half as the CPC brought a collective action against the three most popular operator for excessive penalty upon termination of the contracts. Claims are due to a clause which obliges the customer to pay any monthly fees until the expiration of the contract in the case of dissolution if they wish, regardless of the reason.