The state can impose a new tax on virtually every company

The state can impose a new tax on virtually every company

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The state can impose a new tax on virtually every company

The state can impose a new tax on virtually every company. Legislative proposal provides for fines for companies with more than 20 employees who do not hire people with disabilities, BIA
Vera Denizova
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All companies with more than 20 employees are obliged to hire a certain number of people with disabilities and, if they do not meet their quota, pay monthly compensation of 30% of the minimum wage (or BGN 153 per month under the current minimum threshold) . The money will be collected into an employment fund for people with disabilities, which will be managed by several state structures, but there will be neither employers nor people with disabilities. This is one of the ideas underlying the draft of a new Disability Act, it became clear from a position of the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) on the texts. The project is still in the process of redefinition by the social ministry and it is unclear whether these texts will find its place in its latest version. If they are accepted, practically a quasi-tax will be introduced for the employers, BIA warns.
What is the idea?
The texts provide for each employer with 20 to 49 employees to appoint one with permanent disability, and if the employees are from 50 to 99 - two. If companies have 100 or more than 100 employees - 4% of their average staff should be from people with disabilities. If a company can not meet this quota, it will pay a monthly compensation fee that is 30% of the country's minimum wage for each non-disabled person.
The objective of the fund is to support "the implementation of priority programs and projects, investment costs, activities in the processes of occupational and occupational rehabilitation and other supporting measures to support the employment of people with disabilities". The idea is to be managed by a management board, including representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Ministry of Education, the Employment Agency and the Executive Agency "Labor Inspectorate". This is also one of the problematic moments - the main source of funds in the fund will be contributions from the employers and the fund will be managed without their participation, there will be no representatives of the disabled.
The idea of ​​creating such a structure may have been borrowed in part by the CITUB, which proposed the creation of a Social Solidarity Fund to accumulate resources from gambling taxes, contributions from companies and other sources, and thus support the financing of the reform, especially in part of finding jobs for people with disabilities.
Employer Notes
According to the experts of BIA, the allocation of quotas for hiring disabled people is inconsistent with the national conditions and level of economic development approach, which is difficult to implement in a number of sectors of the economy, which have specific working conditions. "Practice shows that excessive protection and restrictive regulation on the employment relationship of persons with reduced working capacity essentially discourages employers from hiring them, as well as concealing this information from the disabled person themselves when applying for a job", states in the opinion.
BIA notes that, with this labor shortage, employers now perceive people with disabilities as potential labor resources.
The measures that will work are hardly violent, bureaucratic and financially weighty. Practice shows that a more workable model is the incentive, economists believe.
The state can impose a new tax on virtually every company
The state can impose a new tax on virtually every company
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