No license to 1 year for participants and organizers of races

No license to 1 year for participants and organizers of races

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No license to 1 year for participants and organizers of races

No license to 1 year for participants and organizers of races

Drivers involved in races, be with revoked license up to one year before the court to clarify their responsibility. This bill provides for amending the Law on Road Traffic submitted by MP Petar Slavov RB, reports. "24 hours". Under the proposal, drivers participating in the races will be punished by the order in which they are caught and punished to drive with akohol blood from 0.5 to 1.2 per thousand. According to the law on them now foresees a fine of 500 to 1,000 lev, and book them takes 6 to 12 months. Those penalties Slavov proposes to apply both to the organizers of races and participating in them. In the event that the organizer will book will be imposed monetary fine.
In "24 Hours" the MP explained that one of the important points in the book proposal to be withdrawn at the time of the offense. So would apply quick review and drivers will not be able to dodge and avoid punishment. Slavov said that his proposals supplement the basic bill submitted by MS.
The bill also provides that where a driver has caused death, moderate or severe injury to his book takes up to 18 months before judgment for clarification of liability. 6 months without a license will remain exceeded by more than 50 km / h. maximum speed in the village.
No license to 1 year for participants and organizers of races
No license to 1 year for participants and organizers of races
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