National Assembly adopts Directorate Special courier to the Ministry of Interior to move to the State Commission on Information Security.
Service of civil servants from the directorate carrying out reception, storage, transport and delivery of documents and / or materials containing classified information, go in official relations with the State Commission on Information Security.
Next, the Law amending the Law on the Ministry of Interior, which for the most part comes into force on January 1, 2017, the legislature created the State Enterprise Center to provide services, which has the status of art. 62, para. 3 of the Commercial Law. Its principal activities include: 1. provision of services related to registration of vehicles; 2. designing, developing, maintaining and developing the software needed to provide administrative services of the Ministry of Interior; 3. prepress and printing forms, templates and documents for the Ministry of Interior; 4. Other activities relating to e-government and e-identification. Authorities are: the Minister of Interior, the Management Board and CEO. The financing of activities is by charging fees for services provided, as well as from the state budget through the budget of the Interior Ministry, revenues from its own activities, interest on deposits of own funds and overdue payments and donations. The annual financial statements of the Company shall be audited by the Court.