Life imprisonment for drivers killed someone on the road because of the cell phone

Life imprisonment for drivers killed someone on the road because of the cell phone

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Life imprisonment for drivers killed someone on the road because of the cell phone

The British government is planning legislative changes that increase the life imprisonment penalty for drivers who cause death on the road, because they see in their phones, the newspaper The Telegraph, quoted by the "24 hours".
On Monday, ministers will propose the upper limit of sentences for dangerous drivers be increased from 14 years to life imprisonment. The purpose of the change is to send "a clear message" of citizens, causing "immeasurable pain" of families of the victims that reckless driving should be given "punishment that suits the crime."
The change comes after several cases in which children died because drivers behind the wheel were distracted by their phones and have failed to press the brakes in time.
Last year, 122 people were convicted of causing death by dangerous driving and another 21 people were convicted because, causing the influence of alcohol or drugs have taken lives.
Life imprisonment for drivers killed someone on the road because of the cell phone
Life imprisonment for drivers killed someone on the road because of the cell phone
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