The program declaration of ICAR
Group lawyers said they were united in an initiative committee for legal reform (ICAR), which aims to bring the profession up to date, make it actionable and accountable to rethink its system of government and to win back the respect of the people.
Under the program statement stand 27 names, but the founders state that the list is not exhaustive, as the document is opened. Among the under declaration names are those of prof. Angel Kalaidjiev Alexander Pelevi, Valentina Kamenarska, Velislav Velichkov, Petromir Kanchev and Stefan Levashki.
"Historically, the Bulgarian lawyers have always been proactive and free people, who are among the leaders of society as statesmen, politicians, public figures and benefactors. And today we can not stand idly by before the current problems of civil society and the state, part of which is and unfinished judicial reform, "reads the declaration.
It is referred to ICAR mission - "to be useful to society and the state." For this purpose, the lawyers say they first need to arrange their own "cottage", starting from the normative base and complete with "decisively overcome the problem of passivity and lack of transparency in the activities of the governing bodies of the Bar." And declared: "We have to deal with unfair competition, negative sentiment media and social environment, and the lack of real statehood."
By ICAR determine the draft amendment of the Law on the Bar as a good occasion to launch the reform of the Bar itself and as a test of a sense of professional community. "We have to approach it sensibly and with a sense of responsibility and explain in plain language the public utility of this bill and the two readings to refine jointly texts that cause misunderstanding and confusion, but also to preserve the meaning and spirit", explain lawyers .
Their thesis is that complete judicial reform is impossible without decisive, substantial and adequate reform in the bar. "Changing public attitudes began to change our own attitude to the Bar and all bodies through which it operates govern is defending daily freedom and independence, strongly and committed position to current social relations, the legal regulation and the role of lawyers in them. Let us remember that respect for others starts from our own self-esteem, "wrote founders.
They have set eight goals. Here's how they are formulated in the statement:
To encourage direct participation of lawyers in the activities and management of the bar through the regular holding preliminary discussions on issues crucial to the Bar by for the possibility of lawyers to initiate proceedings before the Supreme Bar Council on matters within its competence, including attacking unlawful or unconstitutional laws, their interpretation and application;
To propose and defend a legal framework for a new system of advokatsata profession in accordance with current social relations, not only with the new Law on the Bar, but with changes in JSA procedural laws and all regulations concerning complete and qualified realization of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations;
To encourage and support in elections to the governing bodies of the Bar personalities, visionaries with high moral qualities and virtues, with good management skills rather than people seeking only influence and fasting. Our aim is the election process for the bodies of the Bar to be built on the principles of universal, equal and direct participation, free expression of will, equal access to information, equal conditions for submitting observations, prohibition of actions and acts of internal control and intervention formation of the electoral vote;
Work to improve the training of lawyers, good competitive practices, improve the quality of lawyers' services and raising the status of the Bar and the lawyer as the only constitutionally recognized defender of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations in the country; to defend the freedom and independence of lawyers, subject only to the law and the interests of its clients; to offer clear and objective rules to implement the responsibility of lawyers in carrying out their activities;
To encourage and help expand the dialogue between the Bulgarian Bar and the judicial authorities, state institutions, media, NGOs and the public as the initiator of this dialogue and partnership will be very Bar;
To take an active part in the agenda of the Bulgarian society on judicial reform, separation of powers, the legislative process to protect the rights of citizens and legal persons;
To insist on clear legal regulation of the activities and responsibilities of all bodies of the Bar and for maximum transparency, accountability and control over their work, deeds and actions;
To insist on the development of a comprehensive communication strategy of the bodies of the Bulgarian Bar in order to positively change the image of the lawyer to the public.