English magistrate was removed from his post because it helped refugee

English magistrate was removed from his post because it helped refugee

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English magistrate was removed from his post because it helped refugee

English magistrate was removed from his post because it helped refugee
Judge central England was removed disciplinary after removing 40 pounds of his own pocket for judicial fine refugee. This was announced by the British newspaper "The Guardian" quoted by "Capital".
Nigel Alkout senior magistrate, who is also a world-organist and a visiting university lecturer, has left his position at Leicester court after 15 years of service.
Before "The Guardian" Alkout rakazva that young man about twenty years appeared in court in early August because not paid in due time its fine, and it had to pay another £ 180 costs. The refugee had no right to work. He had a payment card with a limit of 35 pounds. With it he can shop at certain stores.
The magistrate did not know anything about the history of the stranger nor from which country it comes from.
Alkout decided to help refugee spontaneously, driven by the conviction that his work as a magistrate is to prevent crime, not to initiate them.
"What would he do when he wants 180 pounds or prison awaits him, and can not work?" asks rhetorically resigning magistrate to "The Guardian" and replied: "To steal the money? To perform another crime? It would cost more money to the state to send him to prison. More expensive is to withstand prisoner than to send a boy to Eton . "
Alkout been suspended until the investigation of the case, but resigned to be able to comment freely case.
English magistrate was removed from his post because it helped refugee
English magistrate was removed from his post because it helped refugee
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