Company condemned Sofia Airport to 76 million. Lev
Sofia Airport is ordered to pay 44 million. Dollars of Kuwaiti-Saudi company to build a new runway, said "New TV". The reason - to delay the procedures of expropriation of land for the track, as well as outstanding balances to the contractor.
Foreign company turned to the International Court of Arbitration, to look for money. Turn Sofia Airport also comes with claims. So begins the judicial saga.
The year is the 2006th. Hour - 3.00 after midnight. The then Prime Minister Sergey Stanishev sees a brand new runway at the airport from above and remains satisfied.
The contract for the construction of the track is signed with the Kuwaiti-Saudi company in 2003 cost - nearly 53 million. Dollars without VAT. The problems start with the delay in the procedures for expropriation of land for the track. Not paid part of the amounts due to the contractor.
The International Court of Arbitration recognized almost all actions of the Kuwaiti-Saudi alliance of nearly 76 million lev. Two Bulgarian courts did recognize the decision of the international court.
Court of Appeal is subject to appeal before the Supreme Court within one month.
Is there money to pay the airport 76 million. Lev? For reference, the annual income of Sofia Airport last year were 107 million. Lev, while net profit - 5.25 million lev. The accounts show that to settle, the airport would need 15 years.