HARMFUL DANGER! Police extraordinary: Do you hear these words on the phone, close immediately! (your bank account will be drawn)
Police have been alerted to a new kind of crazy scam!
This news of the new huge fraud is of the utmost importance, so do not miss it! And not only. The police are asking you to read it several times and keep it in your documents so you can watch it every day. Until you learn it by heart and there is no risk of making a mistake.
An error that can cost your savings and drain your bank account. Things are really serious, so remember!
If you hear these words on the phone, close immediately! And the words are simple: "Can you hear me?", "Can you hear me?" Or "Can you hear me well ..." Questions of this variety.
The purpose of the criminals is to answer "Yes" this time. The trickster standing on the telephone handset on the other side will record your voice with the "Yes".
With this "Yes", then criminals will have the opportunity to carry out financial transactions and purchases on your behalf. Make translations and even draw your money.
One of the first to be stung is the 49-year-old Theresa.
"Call me a young woman, at least that sounded like a voice. She seemed to laugh a little and asked me if we could hear it well. I said "Yes," where can I guess what will happen next? We only talked for a few seconds when fraudsters received access to the personal information of my bank account, "she told the injured.
Police are also warning that we will not respond to an unknown voice message. Do not use the keyboard on your phone if you ask us to ask for it. And let's not forget to write down the unknown number from which we were called to give it to the police.
Be sure to share your information with your friends and family because you can save their money!