What is insult, slander and defeat?
The offenses of a private nature are those which, on my own initiative, by the filing of a petition, a private prosecution, starts the criminal prosecution of the perpetrator (the one I blame for committing a crime), having the right at any time to determine the course of the proceedings; in some cases, I may even want the convict not to be punished.
It is important to know that the burden of proving private crimes lies on me - the private complainant.
If someone in my presence tells me something (for example, she has been sworn or saying words that are offensive to me) or has done something degrading (for me, give me an obscene gesture) which, in my judgment, violates my honor or dignity if I take action against him he may be punished by the court for insult with a fine from 1000 to 3000 levs. Also, at the discretion of the court, the punishment of public reprobation may also be imposed.
This kind of crime can be done when the insult is made in my presence, by phone, by letter, etc., as long as it is directed to me.
If the same insult (verbally or through action) is made:
public (in the presence of others),
distributed through a printed work or otherwise;
if I myself am an official. An "official" is the one to which he / she is entrusted with a salary or free of charge, either on a temporary or permanent basis, a government office, a managerial or a work related to the safekeeping or management of a foreign property in a state enterprise, cooperative, a legal person or a sole trader, as well as a private notary and assistant notary, private enforcement agent and assistant private enforcement agent.
and the same is for or in connection with the performance of my service;
if the offending words or gesture is an official or a representative of the public at or in connection with the performance of his office or function,
the punishment for the perpetrator is more severe - a fine of 3000 to 10 000 levs and a public reprimand.
Important: If I, on my part, have responded immediately with insult, the court may not impose a penalty on us either.
What is insult, slander and defeat
If somebody discurss disdainfully (his disclosure is detrimental to my honor and dignity) circumstance for me, or if I am guilty of a crime, and if I file a lawsuit against him, he may be punished for defamation with a fine of 3000 to 7000 leva and public reprobation. What is special is that this false information is told to someone else, not to me, and the statement made must be false to be classified as libel. e.g. Ivan is accusing me of my wife that I cheated on her.
But if the information disseminated is correct, that is, he has told the truth about me, the perpetrator is not punished.
If defamation is:
publicly distributed (in the presence of others),
distributed through a printed work or otherwise;
if I myself am an official and the same is for or in connection with the performance of my service;
if the offending words or gesture is an official or a representative of the public at or in connection with the performance of his office or function,
which has led to severe consequences
the punishment is fine from five thousand levs to fifteen thousand leva and a public reprimand.
If someone before a competent authority convicts me that I have committed a crime knowing that I am innocent or presents false evidence (This is forged false evidence) is punished for imprisonment of one to six years' imprisonment and public reprobation.
If, as a result of persecution, I am attributed to criminal responsibility, the punishment for the accused is more severe than imprisonment from 1 to 10 years.
The difference in defeat and defamation of a crime is that in the conviction this statement is made before a state body (for example, someone is reporting and blames me in the district government that I have scratched his car) and, in defamation, this information is revealed someone else, be it a group of people in their immediate presence, whether in a print or an internet publication (eg an internet article titled "The robbery made him Vlado"). Also, conviction is a crime of a general nature (the competent authorities are in the process of proving), while libel is a crime of a private nature.
Important: Forgiveness and defamation as crimes are proven by me at the hearing because of the fact that these are private crimes and all the burden of proof lies on me. In this aspect, I have to prove:
that the really done has been accomplished;
that it is publicly dangerous (it is not a publicly dangerous act done in inevitable defense, ultimate necessity, detention of a criminal, justified business risk);
that the act contradicts the law;
that the perpetrator has committed the act deliberately - he / she must be aware and desirous of or admit the taming of my name or harm