They kept me from the police for 24 hours
Police stop me, handcuff me and hold me limiting my right to free movement within 24 hours. This can happen if:
I breach public order;
I create an obvious danger to myself or to others;
deliberately hinders police officers to do their job;
I'm hanging out with no identity papers;
I suspect I have committed a crime.
The most important thing at this point is to contact a criminal law specialist. I can do this quickly and easily on this page.
My rights during detention by the MoI authorities:
1. I have the right to personal integrity. The exercise of force against me can only take place within the necessary limits, as the police have warned me that they will use it only if I resist the law enforcement and do not obey their orders. Attention! Police can also use force for group violations of public order, which means that if I am in a crowd that is booming, I can take some kick even if I do not provoke the law enforcement!
2. I can avoid the use of aids by the authorities of the Ministry of Interior during my detention, by giving assistance to the police and obeying the orders they give me. In such a case, the use of aids will become pointless. If, however, I resist and do not obey the orders of the police, I may be given handcuffs, a straitjacket, a pullover (rubber, plastic or electric shock) and even halos. In any case, the police are obliged to stop using the aid at the moment they reach their target, have disfigured me.
3. I can avoid the use of weapons by the authorities of the Ministry of Interior by not doing unlawful actions (assault, hostage detention, threat with firearms) and I am not trying to escape.
4. I have the right to preserve my personal dignity. Police authorities can NOT offend or humiliate me under any circumstances.
My rights when taking in a room for accommodation of persons detained by the Ministry of Interior:
1. I am entitled to medical assistance in case I request or need one. It does not matter if my condition, which requires medics' intervention, is triggered during detention by the police authorities or not - my life and health are a value that should be preserved in all cases.
2. I have the right to familiarize myself with the written order made for my removal to the designated place of detention. This order records precisely the time at which my right to move freely in space is restricted. It is signed by the policeman, who has composed it from me and one of the three uniforms is handed to me.
3. I have the right to contact a lawyer and have legal counsel.
4. I have the right to contact a family member or a friend. Although I have no right to make a phone call like in the movies, the MoI authorities are obliged to immediately notify a person of my choice about the detention.
5. I have the right to keep silence. If I prefer to give explanations, I can do it at any time, but the police can not force me to do so. If I say something that is unfavorable to me, I should not worry because at this stage my explanations are not part of the evidence and can not be used against me. Only my explanations during the interrogation and after my acquaintance with the prosecution can go into the cover of the case and be used against me.
Attention! These rights must be made clear to me at the very beginning of detention, for which I have to sign a Declaration in 2 copies that my rights have been clarified by the MoI authorities.
When I am taken to the detention room, a personal search will be carried out in which I can find a number of items to be seized and kept away from me until the end of my stay in the detention room.
My rights when doing this search are as follows:
I have the right to request that the search be carried out by a person of the same sex;
I have the right to familiarize myself with the record of the search after it has been drawn up and to receive a copy of this record. When drafting the record, it is important to check whether the actions of the law enforcement agencies are properly described, what items were in my possession, what items were found and seized by me and whether the reason for the search was entered.
I have the right to receive the items I have taken back when leaving the detention facility. All seized items must be returned to me, except for those seized as material evidence under the Penal Procedure Code.
It is important to know! The police will ask me to sign:
1. the detention order;
2. the record of a personal search;
3. a declaration that I am aware of my rights.
I can refuse to sign each or all of the documents, and this will not work