The preserved part of the inheritance

The preserved part of the inheritance

  • English
  • Български
  • Русский

The preserved part of the inheritance

The preserved part of the inheritance

    It is up to each person to decide what will happen to their inheritance after their death. In order to fulfill your will as an heir, you will have to make a will. If you do not have a will, your heirs will by law inherit everything you have left behind. When you make a will, you can leave everything you want to. But even then, those who inherit you are legally entitled to a reserved portion and will receive it if they so request. In order to claim it, they must file a claim against the person to whom the inheritance is made or donated (there are also cases). Also, those who inherit by law should request a reduction of the will or donation in question to the amount necessary to supplement the portion reserved. They must first have taken over the inheritance by inventory to exercise their right to a reserved part. There is a definite period, of course, in which they want to recover their preserved part - 5 years. The period begins to run from the entry of the will in the Registry. Once entered, it is considered that the heirs are legally aware of the will. Provided that the estate has properties and they were sold before one year had elapsed since the inheritance was opened or after the claim they had filed had been registered, the heirs are legally entitled to claim that the sale be canceled. Otherwise, the cancellation of the transaction after the sale may not be requested before the filing of the claim and after one year has elapsed since the opening of the inheritance.

The preserved part of the inheritance
The preserved part of the inheritance
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