Pre-term termination of contract mobile operator!

Pre-term termination of contract mobile operator!

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Pre-term termination of contract mobile operator!

Termination of a contract with a mobile operator!
Termination of "relations" with the mobile operator often also for a large number of users
is accompanied by "disturbances" and "nerves", and the dissolution of "connection" with it is likened
of "heavy divorce".
But why? Why, if, if for some reason the consumer wants to terminate his contract
before his term expires, can he do so with a one-month written notice?
The answer is: because, like any other contract, and the one with the mobile operator contains some
clauses with which the parties have agreed to conduct their behavior.
In the case of termination, penalties are due. And they, at times, are not very small, eg.
monthly fees until the end of the contract.
This is the reason why many subscribers are "waiting" and waiting for the date on which their
the contract expires.
The new "moment"
At the beginning of the year, however, a ray of hope emerged - we learned that the Commission for the Protection of the
(CPC) has begun negotiations with the three mobile operators to limit the number of mobile carriers
penalties for termination of the contract.
As a result, as of 01.07.2016, fact is an agreement between the CPC and two of the mobile ones
operators (Mtel and Vivacom), according to which, upon termination of the contract with a mobile operator,
no matter how long it is until the end of the contract (whether 20 or 2 months from the 2-year term)
the penalty payable by the consumer is equal to three monthly installments. Ie. from now
if I sign a contract with Mtel or Vivacom and decide to give up the contract to the third one
month from the conclusion, for example, I will owe a penalty amounting to the monthly fee for 3 months, and
not all remaining monthly installments. Unfortunately, though, if I signed my contract before
01/07/2016, I can not take this opportunity.
What should we be careful about?
For "annoying" sms-related games, raffles, horoscopes, news, and the like that
sometimes we do not even end up, but need, because it can "come out" dearly. If you get
a similar script that says that to opt / deregister from receiving messages with
the same content, e.g. that you can win 1 out of 10,000 tablets, you must send
otherwise you will be deemed to be subscribed to the "service" to receive such notifications (which
it's worth the money!), the red light should light up. A similar practice is
unfair to users, and you should report the CPC.
Pre-term termination of contract mobile operator!
Pre-term termination of contract mobile operator!
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