Install e Th for vremeto from 14.03.2011 city-09.04.2012. apartamentt in c. With e climbing frame from bivshata spruga B. koyato ie not paid on obezschetenie bivshy B sprug Sumathi from 4000lv, vpreki negovata while behind is plaschane received from Ney to 11.05.2012g.Tazi scrip from 3300lv.predstavlyavaschi obezschetenie for lishavaneto th from right to Use sobstvenata on 1/2 th ideal shares from immovable estate, bivshy family dwelling pridobito mode on the family property generality predstavlyavascho apartment in c. B. c. I. * a. * With the Area of 77.61 square meters, with adjacent areas and izbeno vedno room with Area of 6.15 square meters and sotvetnite ideal shares of rightness on stroezh vrhu Terena, for the period of 14.03.2011, 14.02.2012 Since reshenieto for prekratyavane on marriage on the country will be pleased with the divorce, provide e sschiyat apartment for Use on sprugata and deteto from marriage. Lima da Sschiyat right polzva svoyata ½ Id. Charles and base their right ima tova right ako e da ce polzva limited by chastta B of wine on bivshata B spruga Lima da claim obezschetenie right.
Sglasno Indicative tsp. 31, al. 2 from the AP, COGAT obschatsya vesch se polzva personally from itself by Nyako ssobstvenitsite those dlzhat obezschetenie on ostanalite for polzata from koyato sa hardship, from Denya on pismenoto poiskvane.