Question Z.ZH. With the father of my child no marriage .A now gave me money on hand that wrote notes podpis.Neshtata changed, started giving me only officially 100lv.Iskam to get parite.Ima a chance for greater support? it operates on earnings, receives between 800 and 2000 Levs bruto.Imat you legal value those notes? Thanks in advance.
Answer: The needs of persons who are entitled to maintenance shall be determined in accordance with normal living conditions for them, taking into account age, education and other circumstances that are relevant to the case, and opportunities to persons who owe maintenance They are determined by their income, their property status and qualifications. Both parents owe maintenance of their minor children in accordance with the capabilities of each of them individually, taking into account the care of the parent with whom the child is grown.
It is acceptable agreement between both parents in relation to the payment of maintenance and its size as it does not prejudice the interests of detsata.Vav all these cases, the court is required to assess the agreement with a view to not be children deprived of full support. If such agreements prejudicial to the interests of children, they may not be approved by the court.
In cases where the person liable to pay maintenance has tangible opportunities that allow him to pay a large amount of due allowance, adjusted for all other assumptions in determining the amount of the due alimony, the court is obliged to consider and this circumstance.
There is no obstacle voluntary parent who does not take direct care of the child to pay and more support from legal judgments. The amount of maintenance fixed by the court, however, depends solely on the needs of endurance and ability to withstand and not from paid before the trial and otherwise voluntarily paid.
The ability of the person liable to pay maintenance, grounds for giving support and an indicator of its size. The opportunity