How long car registered outside the EU can stay in Bulgaria?

How long car registered outside the EU can stay in Bulgaria?

  • English
  • Български
  • Русский

How long car registered outside the EU can stay in Bulgaria?

Bulgaria is part of the customs territory of the European Union (EU). You can ask customs temporary importation with full exemption from import duties for a vehicle for private use, provided that: - your usual residence is outside the EU; - The vehicle is registered outside the customs territory of the EU on behalf of a person established outside that territory or if it is not registered, it must be owned by a person established outside the customs territory of the EU; - Will re-export the vehicle from the EU customs territory within 6 months. However, if you are a student, ordinarily resident outside the EU, or a person normally resident outside the EU, performing a task of definite duration, the vehicle may remain in the customs territory of the EU for the period of training or carrying out assignments.


How long car registered outside the EU can stay in Bulgaria?
How long car registered outside the EU can stay in Bulgaria?
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