Marriage annulment enables you to end a marriage that you no longer want to exist. This can only be ordered by a court. You may not enter into another marriage while the proceedings for the annulment of the marriage are pending. Cases where marriage can be destroyed are: If you were married while you were a minor but did not obtain permission from the district court, the marriage may be destroyed. If you suffer from a mental illness or dementia that justifies you being banned, or you are already banned. If you suffer from an illness that your partner did not know about and endangers the life or health of children and spouse. If I marry my close relatives like father, mother, grandparents, brother or sister, close cousins or my adoptive parents or children adopted by me. In the event that the marriage is concluded at your request because of a threat posed to your or your loved ones' life or health. In order to destroy the marriage, you must file a claim with the district court at the other spouse's permanent address. If there is a decision to destroy the marriage, all the consequences that occur after the divorce apply. You may ask the court to rule that the other person was dishonest. Unscrupulous conduct when he knew that the marriage was concluded in violation of legal requirements - the cases that we listed at the beginning. In that case, the costs of the case will be at the expense of your unscrupulous spouse.
#3, Dobrotica Str., Varna, Bulgaria
Mob: +359 895 64 59 40