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What is compensation?

Compensation is compensation that a person receives when certain conditions are met by law. This compensation has a monetary value.

TYPES OF comensations

Compensation for non-admission to work

In cases where an employee is illegally barred from the workplace:

- by the employer - the guilty officials jointly and severally owe the employee the gross remuneration for the respective position from the day of appearance to start work, until his actual admission to work, as well as

- for the duration of the employment relationship. This compensation is in the amount of the gross remuneration of the employee for the time of the illegal non-admission to work.

Compensation for temporary illegal dismissal

- is entitled to compensation in the amount of his gross remuneration for the time of the illegal removal.

Compensation for business trips

Every employee is entitled to compensation for business trips outside the settlement, which can be for travel, subsistence and accommodation money.

Compensation for relocation

- receives an employee who moves to another location, in agreement with the employer.

Compensation for employment

 In the case of an employed worker, the employer owes him compensation in the amount of his gross remuneration from the day on which he received the employment order until its execution.

Disaster compensation

 In emergencies, when the employee is prevented from coming to work, the employer must pay him compensation in the amount of 50 percent of his gross salary, but not less than 75 percent of the minimum wage for the country. . When participating in rescue operations, he is paid the full amount of gross remuneration.

Compensation in case of lawful refusal of the employee to perform the work

When an employee has justifiably refused to perform or has stopped working due to a serious and imminent danger to his life and health, he is entitled to compensation in the amount of his gross salary for the time during which he did not work.

Compensation for non-compliance with the notice

Both the employee and the employer have the right to terminate the employment with notice before the expiration of the notice, in which case he owes the other party compensation in the amount of gross remuneration of the employee for non-compliance with the notice.

Compensation in case of termination of employment without notice

- the employer owes compensation in the amount of the gross remuneration for the term of the notice - in case of a permanent employment relationship, and in the amount of the actual damages - in case of a temporary employment relationship.

If the employee is disciplinary dismissed, he / she owes the employer compensation in the amount of his / her gross remuneration for the period of notice - in case of permanent employment, and in the amount of actual damages - in case of temporary employment.

Compensation in case of dismissal on other grounds / due to closure of the enterprise or part of it, redundancy, reduction of workload, etc./ the employee is entitled to compensation from the employer. The benefit is in the amount of his gross salary for the time during which he lost his job, but for not more than 1 month.

Upon termination of employment due to illness, the employee is entitled to compensation from the employer in the amount of his gross salary for a period of 2 months, if he has at least 5 years of service and during the last 5 years of service has not received compensation. the same reason.

Upon termination of employment after the employee has acquired the right to a pension for length of service and age, he is entitled to compensation from the employer in the amount of his gross salary for a period of 2 months, and if he acquired from the same employer or in the same group of companies 10 years of service in the last 20 years - on compensation in the amount of his gross salary for a period of 6 months. Compensation under this paragraph may be paid only once.

Compensation for unused paid annual leave

Compensation for unused paid annual leave of the employee is paid upon termination of employment for the current calendar year in proportion to the time recognized as length of service and unused leave, and is not paid to students and doctoral students without separation from production and for an entrance exam in an educational institution, when it is not used.

Compensation for illegal dismissal

When the employer illegally dismisses his / her employee, he / she must compensate him / her for the time during which he / she lost his / her job due to this dismissal, but for no more than 6 months. If the worker has worked in lower paid work, he is entitled to the difference in wages. This right also belongs to the employee who has been illegally transferred to another lower paid job.

Compensation for not allowing the work of a rehabilitated employee

In case of non-admission of an employee / employee reinstated by the court, the employer and the guilty officials shall be jointly and severally liable to the employee in the amount of his / her gross remuneration from the day of his / her appearance until his / her actual admission to work.

The benefit is determined on the basis of the gross remuneration for the month preceding the month in which the basis for the respective benefit arose, or the last monthly gross remuneration received by the employee.




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