When you purchase a car, you must have the following documents in it: a driver's license and a check slip to it; vehicle registration certificate - small coupon; a document for compulsory insurance of civil liability; Valid International Civil Liability Certificate if traveling abroad. Of course, you should remember to pay for the electronic vignette. Make sure you have a sticker on your car windshield for your Third Party Liability Insurance as well as an initial technical inspection or periodic inspection certificate. There must also be a safety triangle in your car, a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, a reflective vest. If, after verification by Traffic Police officers, you are missing some of the documents or accessories mentioned above, you may be penalized. It would be nice to have without the law obliging you: spare tire, pump, power cables, tow rope, jack, GPS device.
#3, Dobrotica Str., Varna, Bulgaria
Mob: +359 895 64 59 40
WWW: advokatvarna.com
Email: iulia.danova@abv.bg