In a civil contract we have a contractor on the one hand and a contracting authority on the other. The contractor, at the request of the contracting authority, undertakes to provide a certain production result. There are several types of civil contracts: for providing factual action, for performing legal actions, for managing a company, etc. The difference between a civil and an employment contract is expressed in several things. There are strictly fixed rules in the employment contract - for example, working hours, definite requirements, place of work, etc. An important result in a civil contract is that it owes some good or service. Also here everything is negotiable between the client and the contractor. There is no minimum wage for a civilian, like for a worker. For holidays and vacations, you are not entitled to paid leave and rest. You work within the time limit you set in the contract. A civil contract may be terminated after the result has been provided. Health and safety rules do not apply. In a civil contract, public insurance covers only the risks of general illness, old age and death and health insurance. Their payment depends on the amount of remuneration you receive and whether you get a contract of employment. You have the right to work on both civil and employment contracts at the same time. As long as the activity established under the contracts is not inconsistent and beyond the working hours established under the employment contract.
#3, Dobrotica Str., Varna, Bulgaria
Mob: +359 895 64 59 40