Attention! Falling objects from buildings and construction sites
As I walk or go to work and walk along the sidewalk, I often see buildings undergoing renovation or construction. Many of them are alerted to allow me as a passerby to foresee the possibility of falling objects (eg building materials). But if this signaling is not present, and I suffer, I have the opportunity to seek redress.
The law entitles me to be compensated by the owner of the building even if someone else performs the repair work or construction. This can be either the state or the municipality, or a natural or legal person (eg a construction company).
I bring the action before the district court in whose area the building or building site is located. Here, too, I must be careful about the 5-year period in which I can bring the claim.
I also do not forget to take into account the three basic prerequisites for entitlement to compensation:
harm has occurred;
there is unlawful behavior by the owner of the building or building - in this case it is the fact that he has not signaled the danger of falling objects;
a causal link between the unlawful behavior (non-reporting) and the damage I have suffered - to be hurt by building material falling from the high, as there is no sign now that some repair work is being done.