Condominium management
In the Condominium Management Act the management covers the order and the control over the use and maintenance of the common parts and the observance of the internal order in a building in condominium regime, as well as the control over the fulfillment of the obligations of the owners, users and and is carried out through the following bodies:
1. The Governing bodies of the General Assembly are:
The General Assembly of the condominium consists of all owners of individual sites in the building, which may be represented by other adult family members, users, other owners of the building or third notarized persons. In making the decision, their vote has weight depending on the ideal parts of the common parts of the condominium they own.
The Management Board (manager) is elected for a term of up to 2 years. It consists of owners, users or persons designated by them, not less than three people and necessarily an odd number. In case of an explicit decision of the General Meeting, payment of remuneration or termination of term of office may be determined.
The participation of an owner or user in the management board or the supervisory board is mandatory unless the person is permanently de facto unable due to absence or illness.
In case of newly created condominiums, the election of a management board (manager) is carried out within 6 months from the commissioning of the building.
The Management Board shall meet at least once every three months, taking decisions by a simple majority in the presence of two-thirds of its members. Minutes of each meeting shall be drawn up and signed by those present.
Supervisory Board (controller)
Тhe Supervisory Board is not a mandatory body! When there is no condominium, the general meeting shall determine from among the owners and users the persons to carry out this activity.
The General Assembly of the condominium may elect a supervisory board (controller) for a period of two years. This body shall consist of an odd number of members, but not less than three. The Control Board is the body that controls the activities of the Management Board / Manager on the implementation of the budget and the decisions of the General Meeting on the expenditure of condominiums, checks the fund at least once a year and submits a report on the results of the General Meeting
It meets at least once every 6 months and takes decisions by simple majority if two-thirds of its members are present. He draws up minutes of his meetings, which are signed by the members present.
Upon explicit decision of the General Meeting of the members of the Supervisory Board (the controller), remuneration may be paid.
There is a special restriction, as a controller or a member of the supervisory board may not be a spouse, a member of the household, a person in de facto marital cohabitation, in a direct relationship, in the collateral line up to the second degree and in a marriage with the other members. the Supervisory Board, as well as with the members of the Management Board or with the Manager.
2. Owners Association
The Association is a legal entity established under the Condominium Management Act. It carries out activities for the management of the common parts of the condominium, but also for the absorption of funds from the European Union and / or from the state or municipal budget, grants and subsidies and / or use of own funds for major repairs and / or major renovation of condominium buildings owners can establish an association.
The association is established by owners, representing not less than 67 percent of the ideal parts of the common parts of the condominium, and a constituent assembly of the owners of separate sites in the building is convened.
The association is entered in the BULSTAT register. It is established only for the purposes of Condominium Management Act.
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