Аll about the criminal record

Аll about the criminal record

  • English
  • Български
  • Русский

Аll about the criminal record

Аll about the criminal record

    You need a criminal record when you hold a certain position, practice some freelance profession, or get a permit, such as a weapon, etc. It is a document that contains information about your legal background. In order to obtain a criminal record, you must first file an application with the District Court Criminal Record Office. When submitting your application, you must also show your ID, a copy of the birth certificate or birth certificate, as well as a document to prove that you have paid the required state fee. The fees are for: paper certificate - 5 BGN and electronic certificate - 3 BGN. The deadlines for issuing a criminal record are the following: an application has been submitted to your field - immediately and no more than 3 days; an application submitted through a district court, which is different from the one at the place of deposit no more than 3 days after the application was received; for the electronic version - no more than 3 days working days after the state fee has been paid. The criminal record certificate, whether electronic or hard copy, shall be valid for up to 6 months from the date of issue.

Аll about the criminal record
Аll about the criminal record
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